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About me

Hello Everyone, Myself Ishika Hirani. I am a Passionate reader and book reviewer. My journey of reading started back in lockdown when everything was shut down, A passion for literature started building in my heart. My first read being Dan Brown's famous book "Da Vinci Code", I soon found myself diving deeper into the soothing realm of books. Readingcrunch is a platform for all those writers who are looking forward to promote their books with the help of an honest and insightful review.

About us: About

About Readingcrunch

Readingcrunch is a heartfelt platform for all the budding writers and avid readers who are willing to delve deeper into the ocean of books and literature. With helping over the huge number of 100+ authors, we have a vision of nurturing the budding writer in you. Our Platform is created to support all the shining authors and with the help of our services, they can accomplish their dream of becoming a bestseller. Ishika, Being the owner of this top book blog; invites you to join her on this wonderful journey of literary exploration.​

Reading with Coffee
About us: Welcome

Our Vision & Services

With Serving over 100+ writers, We have a vision of nurturing avid readers. Our services are specifically created for all those budding authors who want to build a strong audience base. We excel in providing Genuine book reviews, Author interviews, Bulk reviews and many more book marketing services.


​A Message for all the readers.

Books are a solace for many of us and with this everlasting thought, we are here for all of our lovely readers presenting you the utmost honest reviews to find your next perfect read.


Readingcrunch is a visionary book marketing platform that not only helps the budding writers, but it also serves equally to all the readers throughout the globe. We Welcome you to explore different kinds of Genres and literary works with us and support the authors with your reading.

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